Active Rest Day 

It’s a Sunday and a lot of people want to take a nap or take a bread from their daily schedule and take things a little easy.

A lot of the clients I usually work with hate to train on weekends , especially on Sundays. 

It’s more that ok to take a day off but I usually recommend my clients not to just laze around at home some basic cardio exercise at home or just go for a walk nothing intense, add a few core workouts and stretch at the end of it all.

So basically what we are doing is not pushing our self to max out but we lower the intensity Just enough to keep us conscious of what we eat. 

Hold on I know a lot of you guys may think what does exercising on Sundays have to do with our diet ?? Well for most of them it’s practically impossible to stay of the junk when at home and a little bit of exercise on a Sunday subconsciously reminds us that we should eat for our health. 

It’s more than ok to splurge once in a while but the key is moderation. 

For most people who splurge on Sundays it’s really difficult to get back to eating clean on the next day. 

Sunday is just another day of the week and like a lot of you guys I too like to chill out on Sundays so I prefer doing body weight/suspension training & hi-jrt session on my active rest days. 

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