To Train Or Not To Train Fasted ?

Fasted Cardio / Fasted Training has become a very hot topic for over the last couple of years. 

In my younger days where I would workout once in the morning and once in the evening.

 My Am sessions were most often fasted I dint really need to load up on carbs etc before a workout session neither did I use any protein shake or high gi carbs. 

I would just simply take 1 single cup of black coffe (way before I got hooked onto no explode) and hit the gym and would train for 90 to 120 mins get back home eat brown rice / red rice with some source of protein from meat ( chicken , fish , beef) and add a couple of eggs to that n would rest it out before my next session. 

I wouldn’t say thats the best thing to do or I wouldn’t say it would not be appropriate to do fasted training. 

I was absolutely A ok to train fasted following which I would do a mid afternoon cardio session.

I am a believer that fasted training is best suited for me but there are days where I feel tiered n lethargic cos I have not  eaten , honestly guys you guys just go with the flow and see how you feel. 

Even as of today I eat my breakfast at around 9:30 am to 10:00 am followed which I have a scoop or 2 of my protein with my spices and Organic ACV and hit the gym a couple of hours later after I feel I have digested my food and hit the gym. 

Do not follow me or any one else blindly ,fasted training suits me well that doesn’t mean you should try it. 

Just keep at your training make sensible nutritional choices irrespective of your goals you will achieve the results. 

A Few Tricep Variations 

Triceps has always been one of my favourite body parts to train. 

Some of the exercise that I include in my workout routine Trcieps Push down / Dumbbell crossover – Triceps Extension/ Overhead Barbell Extension or skull  crusher / One arm dumbbell extension. 

I add a couple of other variation to my routine but I make sure use aleast 3 of these 4 variation in my routine. 

My rep range differs as per my goal whether it’s to cut down or to gain muscle size , My rep ranges also vary based on how I have my exercises lined up. 

Main thing with any workout is how you do it ? The proper technique is what is the key to better muscle activation. 

Remember if you want to train right leave your ego at home. 

Active Rest Day 

It’s a Sunday and a lot of people want to take a nap or take a bread from their daily schedule and take things a little easy.

A lot of the clients I usually work with hate to train on weekends , especially on Sundays. 

It’s more that ok to take a day off but I usually recommend my clients not to just laze around at home some basic cardio exercise at home or just go for a walk nothing intense, add a few core workouts and stretch at the end of it all.

So basically what we are doing is not pushing our self to max out but we lower the intensity Just enough to keep us conscious of what we eat. 

Hold on I know a lot of you guys may think what does exercising on Sundays have to do with our diet ?? Well for most of them it’s practically impossible to stay of the junk when at home and a little bit of exercise on a Sunday subconsciously reminds us that we should eat for our health. 

It’s more than ok to splurge once in a while but the key is moderation. 

For most people who splurge on Sundays it’s really difficult to get back to eating clean on the next day. 

Sunday is just another day of the week and like a lot of you guys I too like to chill out on Sundays so I prefer doing body weight/suspension training & hi-jrt session on my active rest days. 

Lost some really close friends due to substance abuse, it is a humble request to all my KO friends & family do not go by what you guys see on youtube or other social media platforms. I absolutely respect & adore some of the so called social media celebrities but i do believe so some sensitive information should not be spread on social media. It is not the pros who are to blame it the people who want to use drugs cos some professional uses it.  Fitness professionals, models , bodybuilders use what they use cos their profession demands it , in this day and age if a bodybuilder actually tells you that they are natural it is total bull shit.
No one is judging these pros they do what they do and honestly i respect most of them. Bodybuilders are professionals and there is a lot more to it than just anabolics , they actually sacrifice a lot to maintain their bodies.
People often read about the steroid cycles online and want to use them to build a body like Arnold or Ronnie etc but honestly instead of focusing on what steroids they used or what cycles work best one should focus on the effort they put into their training , meal prep etc.
I just saw a video of the Gr8 Arnold where he is speaking about doing multiple compound sets of super sets back to back at the gym , do we really see people try that ?? I am absolutely certain the answer is no.
Guys there is a lot of information online and social media is a platform where a lot of amazing people share their experiences , we should think about what we want out of our life what are our goals and then decide about what we should act on.

Let us make on thing clear STEROIDS can kill you and so can alcohol and so can cigarettes but do we really see too many people questioning a smoker no really so lets not make bodybuilding / fitness all about steroids , supplements .

Fitness is not a phase guys it is a lifestyle.
KO shred is my way of giving back what to the industry which has give me a lot , people have developed a wrong notion about working out in the gym.

There are some idiots at the gym who will sell you any shit , i wont blame those guys but honestly we should use our brains if some one prescribes you some supplement or a diet or some exercise routine you need to know why ? how ? etc ask questions do not follow any one blindly. There are several diets and workouts available online for throwaway prices , guess what these guys are way bigger a name than me and they have absolutely fantastic bodies and they are giving online training nutrition etc , so does it work like a duuuuuh it does dude but  can you actually follow it for life , most of the diets and workouts require you to buy their supplement brands or cutting of way too many calories and you are expected to workout almost 2 to 3 hours a day thats more than ok if your a fitness pro , but for guys who have a family , who have work to make their daily bread , for individuals who are exercising to stay fit and healthy is it possible the answer is no it is as simple as that , a lot of you people may not agree with this and i am absolutely ok with that.
Keto works / Atkins works / Carb Cycling works every dam thing will work you just have to keep at it.
you can train using HIT (my fav) , High Volume or fst-7 or any other training system they all will work , the main idea is to keep challenging your body and exercising the right way.
KO Shred is my initiative of giving back to the industry that has give me a lot,

Fitness is not just my profession it is my passion my life. I am not a bodybuilder i have been big with 19 inches arms in my 20’s but trust me guys i feel way healthy and fit in my mid 30’s. At our time we had no proper info on diet exercise etc but now with the development of social media we have access to some fantastic information, just make sure to decide what your goals are and choose the path sensibly. Say No To Drugs , do not try to copy or follow what professionals do yes they will give you results but keep your egos at home and be realistic about your choices and goals.
I am looking forward to having inputs from some friends , celebrities and some people i personally have known for years , these guys have made a huge difference to the fitness industry.
if any of you guys want to share your experiences via please do email me at
KOShred – its all you want to know about fitness , i will be interviewing some really knowledgeable and famous people who have made a major contribution to the growth of fitness across India.
I do not intend to offend any ones perspective, thoughts or experiences.
The sport of bodybuilding is not all about steroids , these guys give their life to chase what they believe in.

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