What are polyphenols?

Polyphenols occur naturally in the foods we consume. They contain antioxidative & anti-inflammatory properties existing in most plant-based food.

Polyphenols are what give fruits and vegetables their colour. They have been linked to everything from

  • Weight loss
  • Heart health
  • Eliminating cancerous cells
  • Improves arterial flexibility
  • Helps in diabetes & neurogenerative diseases
  • As well as osteoporosis & prevention of platelet clumping

Polyphenols plays a major role to harness the potential of one’s health.

Some of the food groups that are rich in Polyphenols are as follows

  • Coffe
  • Green tea
  • Dark berries
  • Cocoa pod
  • Leafy greens
  • Some spices & Red coloured fruits

Polyphenols are also found in some processed foods like cereals.

Use of polyphenols supplementation may vary based on several factors like your geographical location , allergies etc one should not use polyphenol supplementation without proper advice.

Submitted by
Mrs Harsha Chandiramani

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