What are polyphenols?

Polyphenols occur naturally in the foods we consume. They contain antioxidative & anti-inflammatory properties existing in most plant-based food.

Polyphenols are what give fruits and vegetables their colour. They have been linked to everything from

  • Weight loss
  • Heart health
  • Eliminating cancerous cells
  • Improves arterial flexibility
  • Helps in diabetes & neurogenerative diseases
  • As well as osteoporosis & prevention of platelet clumping

Polyphenols plays a major role to harness the potential of one’s health.

Some of the food groups that are rich in Polyphenols are as follows

  • Coffe
  • Green tea
  • Dark berries
  • Cocoa pod
  • Leafy greens
  • Some spices & Red coloured fruits

Polyphenols are also found in some processed foods like cereals.

Use of polyphenols supplementation may vary based on several factors like your geographical location , allergies etc one should not use polyphenol supplementation without proper advice.

Submitted by
Mrs Harsha Chandiramani

Keep It Simple – Stay Healthy

Your diet is important for many reasons.

A good diet helps you build muscle, lose fat and provides you with the nutrients needed to help you fight illnesses like diabetes and cancer.

It’s well known that a good diet comprises a mixture of protein, fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates and dietary fat.

The problem many people face today is that even though they are consuming the right foods, these foods aren’t as nutritionally rich as they should be due to the addition of hormones, antibiotics or artificial preservatives.

The solution to this problem is clean eating. Clean eating is the best way to eat food with a high nutritional content.

Clean Eating:
Clean Eating is a simple idea. it’s about paying attention to what you’re eating. Knowing where your food comes from and what processes it has gone through before reaching your plate is important for all of us, and the fewer steps from farm to the table, the more “clean” it is.

The objective with eating clean is to eat food that is real and fresh, food that is unprocessed or minimally processed, unrefined, and minimally handled, making what you put in your body as close to its natural form as possible.

So What Makes A Food Processed?
Processed “food” is packed with artificial lavors, refined sugars, and preservatives to make it look better and last longer—at the cost of removing many of the inherent benefits and nutrients.

This term can be defined as any food that has been altered from its natural form in some way, either for safety reasons or convenience.

While not all processed foods are inherently unhealthy, they certainly aren’t natural. And they could contain added salt, sugar, or fat.
So eating clean is not about getting rid of all processed foods, since that would mean living as an Amish person, which would be pretty challenging.

It’s about being aware of what you’re eating, striving to eat more clean foods than processed foods, and knowing what can happen to your body when you overindulge in processed treats.

A lot of ultra-processed food has been linked to cancer, infertility, and cardiac issues. And don’t forget that processed food loses many of its nutrients, which are important for your body’s wellbeing.

There are a lot of diets out on this market and trust me almost all of them work.

The question you should be asking your self are u following a particular pattern or style of eating for a few weeks / months or are you in it for the long run.

A lot of the people are fascinated by stuff they read online and the comparisons of one diet being better than the other are just endless.

Honestly they all work – No one can predict how our body is gonna react to a style of eating we have to listen to our body and make sensible choices.

We all have learned about having a balanced diet in school if we just follow a well balanced diet with moderation and stay hydrated avoid the sugar cravings and cut out the fried foods we can achieve our goal of living a healthy life.

Make sure to pick one day in a week to eat a lil of what you crave for , but the remaining 6 days of the week you should stick by your pattern of eating clean.

What Is Uric Acid?

Uric acid is a chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines. Purines are normally produced in the body and are also found in some foods and drinks. Foods with high content of purines include liver, anchovies, mackerel, dried beans and peas, and beer. Most uric acid dissolves in blood and travels to the kidneys.

From there, it passes out in urine. If the diet is high in foods containing purine, or when the kidneys are unable to eliminate excessive uric acid, high uric acid levels, then there is occurrence of hyperuricemia or gout. Hyperuricemia can be caused either by overproduction of uric acid in the body or a decrease in the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys.

Gout is a kind of painful form of arthritis that is cause by the excess of uric acid in the blood and tissues. One of the most common site for an attack is at the base of the big toe. The other joints include ankles, knees, wrists, fingers and elbows. To avoid gout and other problems, uric acid levels should be 6.0 mg/dL or below.

A person with a level above 6.8 mg/dL is considered to have hyperuricemia.


Acute Gout Arthritis are attacks are usually characterized by rapid onset of pain caused by an inflammatory reaction to precipitated uric acid deposits in a joint followed by warmth, swelling, reddish discoloration and marked tenderness. One of the most common site for an attack is at the base of the big toe. The other joints include ankles, knees, wrists, fingers and elbows. Maintaining adequate amount of fluid helps in preventing acute gout attacks and decreases the risk of kidney stone formation in individuals with gout.


                    Normal values in the blood


3.5 to 7.0 mg/dl

2.5 to 5.7 mg/dl


Symptoms Of High Level OF Uric Acid:

  • Painful joint swellings, which may be in one joint to begin with, and later involve many others.
  • Sudden shooting pains in the lower back, radiating to the groin; due to a renal stone.
  • Renal stone in turn may lead to nausea, vomiting and blood in the urine.
  • Deposition of uric acid crystals under the skin causing swellings on fingers, toes, hands and elbows.

How High Uric Acid Level Can Be Reduced:

There are a host of things that you can do yourself to alleviate the symptoms of gout, and to reduce further attacks.  Here are a few:

  • Be regular with the medications and follow-up care.
  • During an attack, keep the limb elevated, take adequate pain relieving medications, and apply ice packs to reduce the pain.
  • Drink up to 10 glasses of water a day to reduce the chance of dehydration and formation of urate crystals.
  • Consume high fiber diet such as green leafy vegetables and fruits to increase the elimination of uric acid.
  • Take antioxidant rich foods such as berries, grapes and pineapples.
  • A number of foods are recommended; these include bananas, apples, lime, vegetable juices (especially carrot, beetroot and cucumber), French beans, olive oil, and vitamins C and E.

Preventive Measures:

  • Avoid excess consumption of alcohol, red meat, mushrooms, yeast extracts and oily fish, as these are known to elevate blood uric acid levels
  • Avoid excessively fatty, oily, salty and sugary substances
  • Undergo regular checkup of BP, sugar level, cholesterol status and renal parameters
  • Keep your weight under check by exercising regularly


Heal Your Thyroid Naturally 

Your thyroid, a butterfly-formed organ in your neck beneath your Adam’s apple, is your central organ of vitality and digestion and resembles an ace lever that flames up the qualities that keep cells doing their functions. 

You can consider the thyroid as a major instrument in a perplexing machine, as each cell in your body has thyroid hormone receptors.

You can enable thyroid capacity with legitimate diet, exercise, rest and limiting tension in your life.

Fortunately thyroid can recuperate normally through eating routine and changes in our way of life.

 Here I offer you some approaches to start to recuperate your thyroid normally:
1. Finding a decent holistic specialist to look for the reasons for their issues thyroid organ.

Your thyroid issues won’t vanish unless the causes are tended to. I cannot stretch this enough. A decent all encompassing specialist will work with you to find the hidden issues that are causing the issue and work towards an answer that works for you separately

2. Avoid Gluten

Gluten  is to a great degree acid and inflammatory, and is a noteworthy reason for thyroid brokenness. Gluten leads to an immune system reaction in many individuals and is currently being considered as the reason for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an immune system normal thyroid malady.

3. Using Coconut Oil

Coconut oil does not meddle with the change of T4 to T3 the same number of the oils we use in cooking. Coconut oil builds digestion and causes you shed pounds. GI and furthermore underpins invulnerable wellbeing, which are efficient in assissting the thyroid. Supplant your coconut oils by this and furthermore try to expend no less than 1 tablespoon for each day.

4. Avoid peanuts and nutty spread, likewise contain goitrogens

5. Eating Seaweed and other sea vegetables

Algae and other sea veggiess like wakame, nori, kombu, ought to be eaten habitually. These sustenances are the significant dietary wellspring of iodine and comes stacked with numerous other valuable supplements.

6. Drinking Bone Broth every day

Bone broths are very healthy, from field raised animals are great recuperating mixture that help cure and seal the intestinal mucosa and furthermore fortifies the invulnerable framework. Both are essential for ideal thyroid wellbeing. Consume 1 measure of this broth on a daily basis and include a squeeze of sea salt and seaweed pieces to additionally bolster the wellbeing of the thyroid.

7. Optimize the utilization of vitamin A, D and K2 levels.

These vitamins are basic for good wellbeing and thyroid hormones. Late investigations demonstrated that individuals with thyroid issues inadequate in these vitamins in your body

8. Natural All

Our body is over-burden with such a large number of items today chemicals, dangerous nourishments, poisonous our air, at home we have lots of cleaning items and excellence, all loaded with harmful, which enormously impact the strength of our thyroid.

Practice some unwinding treatment, for example, yoga, Jump rope  is great to manage thyroid capacity, particularly if the issue was caused by injury, real discouragement or terrible news. Thusly, this will acquire benefits your day by day life, not just with respect to this organ.

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