There are no shortcuts

You want to be an athlete or you want to be a highly paid professional or you want to write a book. If you can think it and if you do put in the work you can achieve it.

We often tend to give timelines to our dreams – just remember if it’s important and if you really want it you gotta at keep at it till you succeed.

Obstacles are needed to grow – if we have just a smooth road ahead we might end up in an accident that could be really fatal.

If your 1 percent ahead of what u were yesterday that is all that matters.

Never give up

Took me around a year of clean eating to shed 40 plus pounds and get lean and muscular – it sucks when you lose those hard earned gains. Bodybuilding is more of a mental sport than a physical one.
Never give up – ups and downs are a part of everything in life.
If something is important you will find a way else you will find an excuse.

I might have lost the gains for now – nothing holds me back – will get back to training shortly.

DO Not React – Respond

Reacting spontaneously to situations may not always be the best thing to do.

Think before you say and do something and it will change your life.

When we react we are not in control of our emotions – in order to succeed in life irrespective of what our goal we have to respond to situations.

As we train our mind to respond we will slowly develop the habit of responding spontaneously.

TIME – Spend It Or Invest It

Money is just the byproduct of how you value your Time.

Choose to invest your time & you will be a very wealthy individual.

Spend it & you will end up always short of cash.

There is no right time to start investing.

#moneyisthebyproduct #valuetime #investyourtime #wealthy #money #bestinvestment

Safe Steroid Cycle – Stanozolol

Safe Steroid Cycle

Has any one come across this term – It’s a bull load of crap.

Let us be a little more sensible and actually understand once and for all there is nothing like a safe steroid cycle.

Working out over a decade and having trained hell loads of clients I can assure one thing nothing such a safe steroid cycle exists.

The latest drug which has caught every one’s attention is Stanozolol.

Stanozolol has become very popular with younger generation of gym goers for its easy availability and so call reputation as The Safe Drug.

I have said it before and will keep saying this Steroids can kill you – Bodybuilders & Athletes who use it understand their risks and take counter active measures which do help to a certain extent but over the long run it does take a toll on their bodies.

Stanozolol is very popular with bodybuilders for its ability to promote muscle growth without water retention, which is highly valued by a bodybuilder during pre-contest, a lot of track & field athletes use Stanozolol for the similar purpose as it helps them to develop a lean quality muscle and plays a role in enhancing endurance.

Professionals understand the risks and whether they choose to use it or not its totally up to them.

More often than not what we hear is that Steroids is the short cut to gaining muscle or cutting body fat or to get a six pack.

Well there is far more than what meets the eye , Steroids can actually kill you – Substance Abuse has been the cause of many deaths.

Steroids have negative impact on your health

  • Liver Problems
  • Allergic Reactions
  • Increase In LDL (Bad Cholesterol)
  • Suppression Of Natural Testosterone Production
  • Can Cause Hair Loss / Headaches / Acne / Loss Of Appetite
  • Loss Of Water / Negative Effects On Blood Pressure & Plasma Protein

These are just a few of the problems that steroid users face – Bodybuilders & Athletes are aware of the risk.

Stay Away From Drugs – It Can It Will Kill You




FI VS FF – Making Money Work

Financial independence allows you to be self-insured against a financial catastrophe in the case of death or disability, saving you those monthly premiums.

Financial Freedomallows you to be self-insured against the cost of unexpected expenses and lifestyle upgrades.

So far the most appropriate way to define FI vs FF.

Financial literacy is the key to wealth.

The idea of not working and letting the money work for you actually requires a lot of work.

If its your money you better take care of it.

Just like when we exercise we need to take care of our diet and focus on right form and challenge our self at every workout session, similarly when it comes to money we have to track our cash flow keep improving ways to improve passive income while focusing on leverage income minmizing unwanted expenses and saving at least 3 to 6 months of expenses in cash instruments.

I usually prep my self before my workout and track what i want to do my meals and supplements and many other details.

If we want our money to grow and we want to avoid being a part of the money Rat Race we should first undertsand the value of money.

What are polyphenols?

Polyphenols occur naturally in the foods we consume. They contain antioxidative & anti-inflammatory properties existing in most plant-based food.

Polyphenols are what give fruits and vegetables their colour. They have been linked to everything from

  • Weight loss
  • Heart health
  • Eliminating cancerous cells
  • Improves arterial flexibility
  • Helps in diabetes & neurogenerative diseases
  • As well as osteoporosis & prevention of platelet clumping

Polyphenols plays a major role to harness the potential of one’s health.

Some of the food groups that are rich in Polyphenols are as follows

  • Coffe
  • Green tea
  • Dark berries
  • Cocoa pod
  • Leafy greens
  • Some spices & Red coloured fruits

Polyphenols are also found in some processed foods like cereals.

Use of polyphenols supplementation may vary based on several factors like your geographical location , allergies etc one should not use polyphenol supplementation without proper advice.

Submitted by
Mrs Harsha Chandiramani

Train 8 to 10 Mins A Day

Having a chat with a group of my good friends and we were talking about what are the problems people face with going to the gym or yoga etc etc.

Most of them came up the age old saying omg i have no time , really like seriously.

Workouts should be a priority and it doesnt really require for us to hit the gym or go for yoga etc.

Just get urself a Jump rope and try to do atleast 200 to 500 Bounce steps for starters it doesnt matter whether you want to lose body fat or just get fit or even for serious bodybuilders who want to get shredded the jump rope is the best piece of equipment that is more often than not neglected by most people.

Add in some planks and other core variations or add some sets of pushups / free squats and your Good to go.

Along with regular exercise we should make sure we know what to eat.

A great man once said no one can compete with the food they eat so if you want be healthy feel fit or look good make sure to make smart food choices.

Have a fab day keep rocking keep fit

The vision behind my site was to create awareness and educate individuals about what fitness really is.
As most of you guys who already follow me on social media would already know that I love to read anything and everything in regards with health / fitness / nutrition, bodybuilding & so on.
It has been over 6 months to a year now I have started to read books, follow some management skills experts and implemented some of their strategies and have see a great improvement in my financial cash flow.
A different subject of interest lead to meeting new people and I got to learn from them and several social media platforms that financial crisis does effect people more than what steroids effect people.
I would like to share some of the things I have applied to my personal life and have benefited from.

Before I began to imply these changes a lot of the people who did not understand what I was talking about questioned me and asked me questions like are you crazy? Most of the times the people who would actually question me was my family itself.
So I started by making changes that affected me as an individual and the rest followed, It takes time but the rest will follow.
Some of the things I have learned from reading just a few books

I am aware that most of us have already heard and know all these things, but do we apply it to our daily lives.
Be honest to yourself.

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