There are no shortcuts

You want to be an athlete or you want to be a highly paid professional or you want to write a book. If you can think it and if you do put in the work you can achieve it.

We often tend to give timelines to our dreams – just remember if it’s important and if you really want it you gotta at keep at it till you succeed.

Obstacles are needed to grow – if we have just a smooth road ahead we might end up in an accident that could be really fatal.

If your 1 percent ahead of what u were yesterday that is all that matters.

Never give up

Took me around a year of clean eating to shed 40 plus pounds and get lean and muscular – it sucks when you lose those hard earned gains. Bodybuilding is more of a mental sport than a physical one.
Never give up – ups and downs are a part of everything in life.
If something is important you will find a way else you will find an excuse.

I might have lost the gains for now – nothing holds me back – will get back to training shortly.

DO Not React – Respond

Reacting spontaneously to situations may not always be the best thing to do.

Think before you say and do something and it will change your life.

When we react we are not in control of our emotions – in order to succeed in life irrespective of what our goal we have to respond to situations.

As we train our mind to respond we will slowly develop the habit of responding spontaneously.

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