FI VS FF – Making Money Work

Financial independence allows you to be self-insured against a financial catastrophe in the case of death or disability, saving you those monthly premiums.

Financial Freedomallows you to be self-insured against the cost of unexpected expenses and lifestyle upgrades.

So far the most appropriate way to define FI vs FF.

Financial literacy is the key to wealth.

The idea of not working and letting the money work for you actually requires a lot of work.

If its your money you better take care of it.

Just like when we exercise we need to take care of our diet and focus on right form and challenge our self at every workout session, similarly when it comes to money we have to track our cash flow keep improving ways to improve passive income while focusing on leverage income minmizing unwanted expenses and saving at least 3 to 6 months of expenses in cash instruments.

I usually prep my self before my workout and track what i want to do my meals and supplements and many other details.

If we want our money to grow and we want to avoid being a part of the money Rat Race we should first undertsand the value of money.

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