Meal Prep – The Key To Success

Being a fitness freak for years does have a down side to it , we often tend to neglect the simple things that make a huge difference to our fitness goals.

Meal prep is more often than not neglected by most individuals who are trying to get in shape, I have often heard excuses such as we have no time to prep our meals and sit down and have 6 meals a day etc etc.

Meal prep is the difference between a good bodybuilder and a great bodybuilder.

Maintain a food log it doesn’t mean you need to count your calories you just need to track what you are eating such that you are aware what has gone wrong or what has worked for u.

Prepping your meals in advance prevents us from falling into the trap of eating what’s accessible or available.

Make sure to include lots of green cruciferous veggies in your meals.

It doesn’t matter what kind of a diet you follow meal prep is your key to success.

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